
Membentuk generasi islam yang tumbuh diatas pemahaman salaful ummah


Menanamkan nilai- nilai aqidah sejak dini dan akhlakul karimah


Anak lurus beraqidah, taat beribadah, dan berakhlakul karimah

Asking and giving information expression

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Read loudly this dialogue below!

Teacher and a student are in front of class.

Mr. Oyip : Do you understand this English journal?

A student : I am very sorry, Sir. I don’t understand it yet.

Mr. Oyip : You don’t have to apologize.

A student : Can you tell me where I can get all the reference related of this journal?

Mr. Oyip : Oh yeah, I have some books that may help you.

A student : Thank you very much, Sir.

Mr. Oyip : Never mind, sir.

Read again the dialogue above and concern to the italic sentences.

Beberapa kalimat yang dicetak miring adalah ungkapan- ungkapan yang biasa digunakan saat seseorang meminta/ menanyakan suatu informasi kepada orang lain serta merespon hal tersebut (memberikan informasi yang kita ketahui). Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan bagan dibawah ini, beberapa bentuk ungkapan dalam meminta informasi dan memberikan suatu informasi.

Asking and giving information expression (ungkapan menanyakan dan memberi informasi)

Asking information

Giving information

Excuse me. Who is she?

Can you tell me where you live?

Can you help me to find my spectacle?

Could anyone tell me what happen there?

Sorry to trouble you, but do you know where my bag is?

Do you happen to know where Mr. Kukuh is?

Do you see my new purple diary?

She is my mother

I live at Saraswati street number 10

I saw it in the living room an hour ago

There is any car accident

Don’t you remember that you’ve left it in my table

He goes to the post office

Here it is. I have found it in yard


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Membentuk generasi islam yang tumbuh diatas pemahaman salaful ummah


Menanamkan nilai- nilai aqidah sejak dini dan akhlakul karima


Anak lurus beraqidah, taat beribadah, dan berakhlakul karimah