Practice the following dialog with your partner!
Two friends are at National Park.
Luna : Look at the Tiger! That’s big one and wild animal, right?
Maya : Oh yeah, it is dangerous animal.
Luna : Tiger is also called big cat.
Maya : How can be?
Luna : It looks like a cat with big size but a cat isn’t dangerous animal.
Maya : Are you sure? A cat also has sharp nails like Tiger, it must be dangerous one! I don’t like cat!
Luna : Not at all! I’ll show you my cat. It’s so cute.
They go to Luna’s house. Luna asks Maya to touch her cat.
Luna : C’mon…touch the fur. It isn’t dangerous, it will not beat you!
Maya : Okay, I’ll try it…Aww! It beats my hand! You said that your cat will not beat me.
Luna : Ups! I didn’t say that.
Maya : You’ve said that. Your cut hurts me.
Luna : Yes, it does. I lied to you.
I’m sorry, dear. I admit now.
My cat doesn’t like stranger. It will beat anyone that is near it.
Perhatikan kalimat yang dicetak tebal dalam dialog diatas. Kalimat tersebut adalah ungkapan- ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengakui fakta atau kebenaran (admitting fact) dan mengingkari fakta atau kebenaran (denying fact).
Study the admitting/denying expressions below!
Admitting Fact | Denying Fact |
I admit it Yes, I did Alright, it’s true | I didn’t say that! Swear! I am not lying! It isn’t dangerous animal! |