
Membentuk generasi islam yang tumbuh diatas pemahaman salaful ummah


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The Patterns of Sentence Part 4

Monday, October 4, 2010

Great job! Finally, we will discuss the fourth pattern of sentence.
Are you ready for the next discussion? Let's check it out....

Subject + Predicate + Complement + Modifier

This pattern is the most complex one among the others, because it is made up of all the elements of the sentence.
Look at the examples below carefully!
- He becomes the head of the family soon
(he as subject, becomes as predicate, the head of the family as verb complement, soon as modifier)
- My Dad buys the tickets in the counter.
( my dad as subject, buys as predicate, the tickets as verb complement, in the counter as modifier)

Hmmm, all of the patterns of sentences have been discussed. Next, you have to practise them in spoken and written English activity. Go English go....!!


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Membentuk generasi islam yang tumbuh diatas pemahaman salaful ummah


Menanamkan nilai- nilai aqidah sejak dini dan akhlakul karima


Anak lurus beraqidah, taat beribadah, dan berakhlakul karimah