
Membentuk generasi islam yang tumbuh diatas pemahaman salaful ummah


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Kinds of Sentence Part 2 (Simple Sentence)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oh I am so sleepy, it's 10.12 a.m now...
Never mind, the lonely makes me not wanna go bed.

Forgetting of this sleepy, let's discuss the first sentence dealing classification is Simple Sentence.

Simple Sentence

This sentence only have one full of predication. The elements of sentence are Subject (S), Predicate (P), Complement (C), and Modifier (M). Look at the examples below carefully!
1. SP : He wrote
2. SPM : She is in the library
3. SP Subject Complement : I am a educational writer
4. SP Verb Complement : The librarian checks the books
5. SP Object Complement : My sister chooses her soul mate
6. SP Predicate Complement : My husband make me happy
7. SP Complement Modifier : I listened radio last night

In the predicate of simple sentence there is only one main verb. A simple sentence may consist of two or three words or longer than that. Besides, it may also have two subjects but one verb; or, one subject and two verbs.
1. A boy and a girl study in the library
2. A man attacked and robbed the rich lady


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Membentuk generasi islam yang tumbuh diatas pemahaman salaful ummah


Menanamkan nilai- nilai aqidah sejak dini dan akhlakul karima


Anak lurus beraqidah, taat beribadah, dan berakhlakul karimah