
Membentuk generasi islam yang tumbuh diatas pemahaman salaful ummah


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The Patterns of Sentence Part 2

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hi everybody who wants to learn English together here...
The previous post, we have discussed the first part of the patterns of sentence. Have you understood that first pattern? You must try to apply it into sentences. Use the pattern to make simple sentence...many exercises will make you understand and become expert!

Anyway, let's discuss the next patterns of sentence, we will learn about the second pattern.

Subject + Predicate + Complement

In this pattern, the verb can be transitive verb (the verb that need a complement as an object) and also predicating verb or linking verb. The complement can be verb complement (VC), predicate complement (PC), subjective complement (SB), and objective complement (OC).

a. S + P + C (verb complement)
The complement completes the verb of action (predicating). The complement may be noun or pronoun, noun pharse either as direct object or indirect object.
- Jody borrows money for his family
(Jody as subject, borrows as predicate, money for his family as verb complement)
- Diane writes letter for her best friend
(Diane as subject, writes as predicate, letter for her best friend as verb complement)

b. S + P + C (predicative complement)
The verb here is usually linking verb (to be or stative verb) and need the adjective as the complement.
- The teacher is handsome
(the teacher as subject, is as predicate, handsome as predicative complement)
- That cars are expensive
(that cars as subject, are predicate, expensive as predicative complement)

c. S + P + SC (subjective complement)
The complement completes more about the subject. This complement is used after a linking verb to refer back to the subject. The subjective complement has the same identify as the subject.
- This house is the second place of her giving
(this house as subject, is as predicate, the second place of her giving as subjective complement)
- The best friend I have is Chiharu
(the best friend I have as subject, is as predicate, Chiharu as subjective complement)

d. S + P + OC (objective complement)
Objective complement is an object that follows the direct object. It has the same identify as the direct object. The objective complement may be preceded by as. Among the small number of verbs taking objective complement are: appoint, consider, elect, name, select, think, etc.
- I think him a teacher
(I as subject, think as predicate, him as direct object, a teacher as objective complement)
- We elect him as the leader
(We as subject, elect as predicate, him as direct object, the leader as objective complement)

Finally, the second pattern of sentence we have discussed together....
You must use it and apply the patterns into sentences. Make simple sentences use those pattern above....See you in the third pattern of sentence!


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