
Membentuk generasi islam yang tumbuh diatas pemahaman salaful ummah


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The Patterns of Sentence Part 3

Monday, October 4, 2010

What a wonderful day today! Today... I get some good ideas for my next plan. How is your day?
Anyway, we will continue the pattern of sentence again. How is the last pattern? Do you find any difficulties? Slow down guys, the beginning is difficult.....

OK we discuss the third pattern of sentence,now...

Subject + Predicate + Modifier/ Adverb

A modifier in this pattern is an adverbial modifier that tells the time, place, or manner of the action or the subject. It is not the adjectival modifier that modifies the noun in a noun phrase. The adverbial modifier may be at the beginning, middle, or at the end of the sentence.
A modifier of time usually comes last if more than one modifier is present.
- I live in Solo
(I as subject, live as predicate, in Solo as Modifier)
- The eggs slowly began to crack
(the eggs as subject, slowly as modifier, began to crack as predicate)


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Membentuk generasi islam yang tumbuh diatas pemahaman salaful ummah


Menanamkan nilai- nilai aqidah sejak dini dan akhlakul karima


Anak lurus beraqidah, taat beribadah, dan berakhlakul karimah